Ruliang Pan | Enviromental Protection

Prof. Ruliang Pan: Leading Researcher in Environmental Protection

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations Prof. Ruliang Pan on Winning the Best Researcher Award! πŸ† Your dedication to research, mentorship, and collaboration with international teams is truly commendable. This award is a testament to your outstanding work and the impact it has on the broader community.

Professional Profile:

πŸ“š Education:

  • Ph.D. in Human Biology and Primatology, School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology, UWA, Australia (1998).
  • Certificate in Applied Statistics, the Chinese Academy of Science, China (1984).
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology and Zoology, Yunnan University, Kunming, China (1982).

🏒 Current Positions:

  • Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Northwest University, China (2015-present).
  • Visiting Professor, Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, China (2015-present).

πŸ” Previous Positions:

  • Lecturer, School of Anatomical Sciences, The University of Witwatersrand (WITS), South Africa (2004-2008).
  • Australian Postdoctoral Research Fellow and casual teaching, School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia (UWA), Australia (1999-2003).
  • Assistant and Associate Professor, Kunming Institute of Zoology, The Chinese Academy of Science, China (1982-1993).

πŸ“œ Accredited Certificate:

  • Statistician, Statistical Society of Australian Inc.

🀝 Adjunct Appointments Received:

  • Senior Research Fellow, the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology, UWA (2011-present).
  • Coordinator, Bilateral Program in Palaeosciences between South African and Chinese Scientists (2007-2010).
  • Coordinator, Laboratory of Human Origin in Asia, Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, China, and the University of New South Wales, Australia (2007-2010).
  • Visiting Research Fellow at University of New South Wales, Australia, and University College London, the UK.
  • Visiting Professor at Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Science, and Northwest University, Xi-an, China.
  • IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group, Conservation International.

πŸ“š Membership Received:

  • Statistical Society of Australian Inc.
  • International Primatological Society.
  • New York Academy of Science.
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Mammalogical Society of China.
  • Chinese Zoological Society.
  • Human Biology, Australia.
  • Organising Committee Member of the 19th Conference, International Primatological Society.
  • Scientific Committee Member of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

πŸ† Academic Awards Received:

  • Scientific Visiting Fellow to Europe, Australian Academy of Science, Australia (2000).
  • Australian Postdoctoral Research Fellow, the Australian Research Council, Australia (1999-2001).
  • Ad Hoc Scholarship, UWA (1996).
  • Award for work on Anatomy of Chinese Primate, the Chinese Academy of Science, China (1994).
  • Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Australia (1993).
  • Award for Achievement in Ecological Studies of Primates, the Chinese Academy of Science, China (1992).
  • Award for Achievement in Bio-geological Studies in China, the Chinese Academy of Science, China (1990).
  • Award for Outstanding Chinese Young Scientist, the National Natural Science, China (1989).

🌍 Organizing International Symposia:

  • Colin Groves and Ruliang Pan: Evolution, Systematics, Functional Anatomy and Environmental Adaptation of Asian colobines, Beijing, China (2002).
  • Ruliang Pan, Colin Groves, and Jinghua Li: Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation of Chinese Primates, Beijing, China.

πŸ“– Publications Top Noted:

  • Pan RL, Oxnard C, Grueter CC, Li BG, Qi XG, He G, Guo GT, and Garber PA. New Conservation Strategy for Chinaβ€”A Model Starting With Primates. American Journal of Primatology 78 (11): 1137-1148.
  • Pan RL. Dental Variation among Asian Colobines, with Specific Reference to the Macaques on the same Continent. Zool. Res. 28: 569-579.
  • Pan, RL, Jiang XL and Milne N. Mandibular morphometric variation among Chinese cercopithecoids and the unique structure of the snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus) mandible. Primates. 48: 12-23.
  • Pan RL: Dental morphometric variation between African and Asian colobines, with special reference to the other Old World Monkeys. J. of Morphology, 267: 1087-1098.
  • Pan RL and Oxnard CE: Craniodental variation of African macaque, with reference to Asian specie. Folia Primatologica, 75