Rania Saadeh | Applied Mathematics | Research Excellence Endeavor Award

Dr. Rania Saadeh, Applied Mathematics, Research Excellence Endeavor Award

Doctorate at Zarqa University, Jordan


Dr. Rania Saadeh holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics with a specialization in Applied Mathematics from the University of Jordan, where she achieved a GPA of 3.8 (Excellent). She also earned a Master of Science in Mathematics with a specialization in Applied Mathematics from Al Albayt University with a GPA of 94%, and a Bachelor of Mathematics with a specialization in Mathematics from the same university with a GPA of 96%.

Her professional experience includes serving as an Associate Professor at Zarqa University since 2022 and as an Assistant Professor at the same institution from 2016 to 2022. Before that, she worked as a Lecturer from 2011 to 2016 and as a Part-time Lecturer at the University of Jordan in 2014-2015. She began her career as a Lecturer at Al Albayt University from 2008 to 2011.

Professional Profile:

Scopus Profile

Orcid Profile

👩‍🎓Education & Qualification:

Dr. Rania Saadeh’s education:

2016: Doctor of Philosophy in Science from the University of Jordan.

2008: Master of Science from Al Albayt University.

  • MSc in Mathematics.
  • Specialization: Applied Mathematics.
  • GPA: 94% (Excellent).

2006: Bachelor of Mathematics from Al Albayt University.

  • BSc in Mathematics.
  • Specialization: Mathematics.
  • GPA: 96% (Excellent).


Dr. Rania Saadeh has built a significant academic career, contributing to the field of education and research. Her professional journey includes:

Associate Professor at Zarqa University (2022 – Present): Dr. Saadeh currently holds the position of Associate Professor at Zarqa University, where she likely continues to make substantial contributions to academia, research, and student development.

Assistant Professor at Zarqa University (2016 – 2022): In this role, Dr. Saadeh served as an Assistant Professor at Zarqa University, actively engaging in teaching, research, and academic activities.

Lecturer (2011-2016): During this period, Dr. Saadeh contributed as a Lecturer, sharing her expertise and knowledge with students in a dedicated teaching capacity.

Part-time Lecturer at the University of Jordan (2014 – 2015): Dr. Saadeh expanded her academic reach by taking on a part-time lecturing role at the prestigious University of Jordan, likely enriching the academic experiences of students.

Lecturer at Al Albayt University (2008 – 2011): Dr. Saadeh’s earlier experience includes serving as a Lecturer at Al Albayt University, where she may have begun her academic career, laying the foundation for her future endeavors.

Dr. Rania Saadeh’s roles in academia reflect her commitment to education and research over the years, contributing to the development of students and the academic institutions she has been affiliated with.


Dr. Rania Saadeh has demonstrated a broad and comprehensive teaching expertise, covering a diverse range of mathematics courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her teaching portfolio includes:

Undergraduate Courses:

  • Calculus (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Linear Algebra (1, 2)
  • Number Theory
  • Logic and Set Theory
  • Ordinary Differential Equations (1 & 2)
  • Methods in Applied Mathematics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Principles in Applied Mathematics
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Complex Analysis
  • Advanced Complex Analysis
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Probability Theory

Graduate Courses:

  • Complex Analysis
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Special Topics in Applied Mathematics

This extensive list showcases Dr. Rania Saadeh’s proficiency in teaching fundamental and advanced mathematical concepts, catering to both undergraduate and graduate students. Her expertise spans various areas within mathematics, reflecting a commitment to providing a well-rounded and enriching educational experience for her students.

Publication Top Noted:

Dr. Rania Saadeh has contributed to several articles in the field of applied mathematics. Here are some of her publications:

Adapting partial differential equations via the modified double ARA-Sumudu decomposition method

  • Journal: Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, 2023, 8, 100539

A study of double general transform for solving fractional partial differential equations

  • Journal: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2023, 46(16), pp. 17158–17176

General Methods to Synchronize Fractional Discrete Reaction–Diffusion Systems Applied to the Glycolysis Model

  • Journal: Fractal and Fractional, 2023, 7(11), 828

Trustworthy Analytical Technique for Generating Multiple Solutions to Fractional Boundary Value Problems

  • Journal: International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2023, 9(5), 89

Adapting a new formula to generalize multidimensional transforms

  • Journal: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2023, 46(14), pp. 15285–15304

These articles cover a range of topics, including the adaptation of partial differential equations, solving fractional partial differential equations, synchronization of fractional discrete reaction–diffusion systems, analytical techniques for generating multiple solutions to fractional boundary value problems, and the generalization of multidimensional transforms.