Elia Colleoni | Chemical Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Elia Colleoni, Chemical Engineering, Best Researcher Award

  Elia Colleoni at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia


Elia Colleoni is a dedicated researcher in the field of chemical engineering, specializing in the characterization and processing of heavy oils. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), his research interests encompass the gasification, ultrasonically assisted oxidative desulfurization, and pyrolysis of heavy oils.

Elia holds a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, where he achieved a mark of 110/110. His master’s thesis focused on developing a kinetics mechanism for simulating the pyrolysis of heavy fuel oils. With a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the same institution, Elia delved into the analysis of processes for valorizing and upgrading biogas for his thesis.

Professional Profile:


👩‍🎓Education & Qualification:

Ph.D., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano

Diploma (Technical/Vocational), Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Giulio Natta (Bergamo, Italia)

🛠️ Work Experience:

Internship at Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC), KAUST – Focused on oxidative desulfurization (ODS) of heavy fuel oils and simplified kinetics scheme development for heavy fuel oils pyrolysis. (June 2020 – May 2021)

Research Area:

Mr. Elia Colleoni’s research area focuses on several aspects of chemical engineering and energy, with specific interests in the following areas:

Heavy Oils Characterization: Investigating the properties and characteristics of heavy oils, particularly in the context of their gasification and ultrasonically assisted oxidative desulfurization.

Pyrolysis of Heavy Fuel Oils: Developing and studying kinetics mechanisms related to the liquid-phase pyrolysis of heavy fuel oils, aiming to understand the underlying processes and behaviors.

Cavitation Reactors and Oil Processing: Numerical modeling and application of ultrasonically induced cavitation reactors, especially in the context of processing heavy oils.

SARA Fractions Pyrolysis: Exploring the chemical kinetics of pyrolysis, with a focus on specific fractions such as resins within the SARA (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins, and Asphaltenes) classification.

Sonoprocessing of Oil: Studying the effects of sonoprocessing on oil, particularly the declustering of asphaltenes behind fine ultrasonic emulsions.

Publication Top Noted:

Chemical kinetics of asphaltene pyrolysis

  • Authors: P Guida, E Colombo, E Colleoni, S Saxena, A Frassoldati, WL Roberts, …
  • Published in: Energy & Fuels 35 (10), 8672-8684
  • Year: 2021

Unraveling the complexity of pyrolysates from residual fuels by Py-GCxGC-FID/SCD/TOF-MS with an innovative data processing method

  • Authors: E Colleoni, VG Samaras, P Guida, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli, WL Roberts
  • Published in: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175, 106204
  • Year: 2023

Numerical model of an ultrasonically induced cavitation reactor and application to heavy oil processing

  • Authors: P Guida, G Viciconte, A Ceschin, E Colleoni, FEH Pérez, S Saxena, …
  • Published in: Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 12, 100362
  • Year: 2022

Kinetics mechanism of heavy fuel oils liquid-phase pyrolysis

  • Author: E Colleoni
  • Published in: Italy
  • Year: 2021

Chemical kinetics of SARA fractions pyrolysis: Resins

  • Authors: E Colleoni, P Guida, VG Samaras, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli, WL Roberts
  • Published in: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 177, 106281
  • Year: 2024

Sonoprocessing of oil: Asphaltene declustering behind fine ultrasonic emulsions

  • Authors: E Colleoni, G Viciconte, C Canciani, S Saxena, P Guida, WL Roberts
  • Published in: Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 106476
  • Year: 2023


  • Authors: C Canciani, A Ceschin, P Guida, E Colleoni, HG Im, WL Roberts
  • Published in: International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library
  • Year: 2023