Jeongseog Oh | Aluminum water splitting | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jeongseog Oh | Aluminum water splitting | Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), South Korea


Dr. Jeongseog Oh is a Principal Researcher at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) and an expert in combustion engineering, chemical engineering, and system engineering. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Seoul National University and has since contributed to numerous projects and research initiatives, particularly in the areas of combustion stability, energy systems, and reaction kinetics. He has held positions in both academia and industry, including a tenure as an Affiliated Professor and a Senior Researcher. His work has been recognized with several awards, including commendations from national agencies in Korea.

Professional Profile:


Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Seoul National University, Korea (2010)
  • Focus: Experimental Combustion and Propulsion Engineering
  • Adviser: Youngbin Yoon

M.B.A. in Business Administration

  • Chungnam National University, Korea (2016)
  • Focus: Management of Technology
  • Adviser: Yoonsoo Lim

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

  • Pusan National University, Korea (2005)
  • Focus: Experimental Combustion Engineering
  • Adviser: Youngjoon Chang

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

  • Dong-A University, Korea (2002)
  • Adviser: Joongwan Kim

🏢 Professional Experience:

Dr. Jeongseog Oh has been a Principal Researcher in the Energy Convergence System Research Department at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) since April 2011. In addition, he served as an Affiliated Professor at the Division of Energy System Engineering at the KIER School, University of Science and Technology from 2016 to 2019. Before joining KIER, he was a Senior Researcher in the Propulsion Research Team at Hyundai ROTEM Company from 2010 to 2011. He has also been a Teaching Assistant at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University and a Visiting Student at the Propulsion Engineering Research Center at Pennsylvania State University.

Research Interests:

Combustion Engineering:

  • Turbulent non-premixed hydrogen jet flames
  • Liquid jet in cross flow for ramjet engines
  • Combustion instability in gas turbine combustors
  • Oxy-fuel and oxygen-enhanced combustion in industrial furnaces

Chemical Engineering:

  • Particle separation in gasification processes
  • Reduction of iron oxide particles in steelmaking processes
  • Reaction kinetics of gas, liquid, and solid fuels

System Engineering:

  • Smart Farm Energy Systems
  • Thermal Energy Storage Systems (ATES, etc.)
  • Aluminum-Air Battery & Aluminum-Alkali Reaction Systems

Laser Diagnostics:

  • Simultaneous measurements of PIV/OH PLIF
  • Optical patternator (PLLIF)

Computational Tools:

  • Numerical simulation using FLUENT, TRANSYS, SolidWorks, REFPROP, and CHEMKIN


Commendation from Minister: Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, Korea (2021)

Commendation from Director: Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (IPET), Korea (2021)

Grand Prize: Annual Outstanding Paper Award, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), Korea (2014)

Top Noted Publication:

Development of an Oxygen-Enhanced Combustor for Scrap Preheating in an Electric Arc Furnace

  • Authors: Oh, J., Lee, E., Noh, D.
  • Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering
  • Year: 2015
  • Volume: 91
  • Pages: 749–758
  • Citations: 9

Pyrolysis Characteristics of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) under Isothermal Conditions

  • Authors: Yun, Y.M., Seo, M.W., Ra, H.W., Lee, J.G., Kim, J.H.
  • Journal: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
  • Year: 2015
  • Volume: 114
  • Pages: 40–46
  • Citations: 30

Numerical Simulation of an Internal Flow Field in a Uniflow Cyclone Separator

  • Authors: Oh, J., Choi, S., Kim, J.
  • Journal: Powder Technology
  • Year: 2015
  • Volume: 274
  • Pages: 135–145
  • Citations: 68

Flame Characteristics of a Non-Premixed Oxy-Fuel Jet in a Lab-Scale Furnace

  • Authors: Oh, J., Noh, D.
  • Journal: Energy
  • Year: 2015
  • Volume: 81
  • Pages: 328–343
  • Citations: 31

Particle Separation with the Concept of Uniflow Cyclone

  • Authors: Oh, J., Choi, S., Kim, J., Lee, S., Jin, G.
  • Journal: Powder Technology
  • Year: 2014
  • Volume: 254
  • Pages: 500–507
  • Citations: 14

Xiaoyun Chen | Environmental Catalysis | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Xiaoyun Chen, Environmental Catalysis, Best Researcher Award

Professor at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China


Prof. Xiaoyun Chen is a researcher specializing in materials science and engineering. She obtained her doctoral degree in Materials Science and Engineering from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2017, following which she pursued postdoctoral research at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Prof. Chen’s research interests primarily focus on functional materials manufacturing, including the synthesis of catalysts for various applications such as hydrogen synthesis from water, methane conversion, and environmental purification using photo/photoelectron-catalytic methods. She has authored and co-authored over 100 original research papers published in SCI journals, with 10 papers recognized as High-cited papers by Essential Science Indicators. Additionally, Prof. Chen holds 29 Chinese/American patents related to her research endeavors.

Professional Profile:

Scopus Profile

👩‍🎓Education & Qualification:

Professional experience:  

Prof. Xiaoyun Chen has extensive professional experience in the field of functional materials manufacturing and photo/photoelectron-catalytic processes. His expertise includes:

  • Research in functional materials manufacturing.
  • Investigation of photo/photoelectron-catalytic H2 synthesis from water.
  • Exploration of photo/photoelectron-catalytic methane conversion.
  • Study of photo/photoelectron-catalytic ammonia synthesis.
  • Research in photocatalytic environmental purification.

He has authored and co-authored over 100 original research papers published in SCI journals and has been recognized for the impact of his work with 10 papers selected as High-cited papers by Essential Science Indicators. Additionally, Prof. Xiaoyun Chen holds 29 Chinese/American patents that have been authorized in his areas of expertise.

Research Interest:

Prof. Xiaoyun Chen’s research interests encompass a wide range of areas in materials science and engineering, with a particular focus on functional materials and catalytic processes. His research endeavors include investigating novel methods for manufacturing functional materials, such as nanostructured materials and composite systems. Additionally, he is deeply involved in the study of photo/photoelectron-catalytic processes for various applications, including hydrogen synthesis from water, methane conversion, ammonia synthesis, and environmental purification. Through his work, Prof. Xiaoyun Chen aims to contribute to the development of sustainable and efficient technologies for energy production, environmental remediation, and chemical synthesis.

Publication Top Noted:

Ti-doped Bi2(O,S)3 bimetal oxysulfide for highly efficient catalytic reduction of organic dyes and heavy metal pollutants in the dark

  • Authors: Su, Z.; Wu, B.; Chen, L.; Lin, J.; Chen, X.
  • Published in: Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 2023, 8(4), 100645
  • This article discusses a catalyst based on Ti-doped Bi2(O,S)3 bimetal oxysulfide and its efficiency in reducing organic dyes and heavy metal pollutants in the absence of light.

Oxygen-doped Sn17Sb6S29 bimetal oxysulfide catalysts for efficient reduction of organic pollutants and hexavalent chromium in the dark

  • Authors: Huang, T.; Li, P.; Wu, Q.; Chen, X.; Liu, X.
  • Published in: Reaction Chemistry and Engineering, 2023, 9(2), pp. 410–425
  • This article focuses on oxygen-doped Sn17Sb6S29 bimetal oxysulfide catalysts and their effectiveness in reducing organic pollutants and hexavalent chromium under dark conditions.

Highly efficient production of monocyclic aromatics from catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic with nitrogen-doped activated carbon catalyst

  • Authors: Lin, X.; Chen, X.; Fu, P.; Tang, B.; Bi, D.
  • Published in: Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474, 145783
  • This article discusses the use of a nitrogen-doped activated carbon catalyst for the production of monocyclic aromatics via catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic.

Mn/O co-doped Bi2S3 bimetal oxysulfide catalyst for highly efficient reduction of organic and hexavalent chromium pollutants in the dark

  • Authors: Wu, B.; Su, Z.; Wu, Q.; Chen, X.; Liu, X.
  • Published in: Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 33, 101697
  • This article presents a catalyst based on Mn/O co-doped Bi2S3 bimetal oxysulfide and its efficacy in reducing both organic and hexavalent chromium pollutants in the absence of light.

Co/S co-doped Mn3O4-based sulfur-oxide nano-flakes catalyst for highly efficient catalytic reduction of organics and hexavalent chromium pollutants

  • Authors: Chen, L.; Su, Z.; Wu, Q.; Chen, X.; Liu, X.
  • Published in: Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, 55, 104168
  • This article discusses a catalyst composed of Co/S co-doped Mn3O4-based sulfur-oxide nano-flakes and its effectiveness in catalytic reduction of organics and hexavalent chromium pollutants.


Samuel Latebo Majamo | Chemical Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Samuel Latebo Majamo, Chemical Engineering, Best Researcher Award

Samuel Latebo Majamo at Wachemo University, Ethiopia


Samuel Latebo Majamo is a lecturer at Wachemo University in Hossana, Ethiopia, where he has been actively contributing to the field of Chemical Engineering. He holds a Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) in Chemical Engineering with a specialization in Process Engineering from Jimma Institute of Technology, Jimma University. His master’s thesis focused on the optimization of process variables for biodiesel production using sulfonated silica as a heterogeneous solid acid catalyst. Samuel Latebo Majamo also earned a Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc.) in Chemical Engineering from Jimma Institute of Technology.

In addition to his academic responsibilities, Samuel serves as the Chair of Process Engineering at Wachemo University. His role involves leading activities related to Process Engineering, offering courses to lecturers, advising students in the Process Engineering stream, and troubleshooting problems related to the field in collaboration with the department.

Throughout his academic journey, he has received honors and awards, including winning the first level in a research project competition at Jimma University, which led to a fully funded M.Sc. scholarship at the same university. Samuel Latebo Majamo’s research interests and contributions align with the broader field of Chemical Engineering, particularly in Process Engineering and optimization of biodiesel production processes.

Professional Profile:

Scopus Profile 

Orcid Profile

Google Scholar Profile

👩‍🎓Education & Qualification:

Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Chemical Engineering, under specialization of Process Engineering

  • Jimma Institute of Technology, Jimma University [ 31/08/2017 – 16/11/2019 ]
  • Address: Jimma, Oromia, PO. Box=378 (Ethiopia)

Bachelor Degree (B.Sc.) in Chemical Engineering

  • Jimma Institute of Technology, Jimma University [ 03/10/2012 – 05/07/2017 ]
  • Address: Jimma, Oromia, PO. Box=378, Po. Box (Ethiopia)

Professional Experience:

Samuel Latebo Majamo is a dedicated professional with extensive experience in academia, currently serving as a Lecturer at Wachemo University in Hossana, Ethiopia, since August 25, 2021. He plays a crucial role in the Chemical Engineering department, contributing to various aspects of academic and research activities. His responsibilities include developing and implementing lectures, supervising undergraduate students in their bachelor theses, and co-supervising master’s students in their research projects.

Prior to his current position, Samuel served as a Lecturer at Wollo University in Wollo, Amhara, Ethiopia, from February 28, 2020, to August 24, 2021. In this role, he focused on delivering lectures, supervising undergraduate students in their bachelor’s degree theses, providing materials, and actively participating in the university’s annual research activities.

Additionally, Samuel Latebo Majamo holds the position of Chair of Process Engineering at Wachemo University, starting from August 29, 2021. In this leadership role, he oversees all activities related to Process Engineering, offers courses to lecturers, advises students in the Process Engineering stream, and takes charge of troubleshooting any problems within the field in collaboration with the department.

His dedication to education and research is further demonstrated by his involvement in reviewing final exams for bachelor’s and master’s programs, conducting community services, establishing and organizing computer and skill laboratories, and facilitating cooperation among department staff in research work and community services. Samuel Latebo Majamo is committed to the advancement of Chemical Engineering education and actively contributes to the growth of the academic community at Wachemo University.

Honor and Award:

Samuel Latebo Majamo received an honor and award from Jimma University on July 24, 2017. He achieved the first level in a research project competition at Jimma University, which led to him being recognized as the winner. As a result of this accomplishment, Samuel was granted a fully funded M.Sc. scholarship at Jimma University. This award not only acknowledges his excellence in research but also highlights his dedication and potential in the academic field.

Research Area:

Samuel Latebo Majamo’s research area focuses on Chemical Engineering with a specialization in Process Engineering. His master’s degree thesis, titled “Optimization of Process Variables of Biodiesel Production from Soapstock using Sulfonated Silica as a Heterogeneous Solid Acid Catalyst,” indicates his research interest in optimizing processes related to biodiesel production. Additionally, his involvement in developing and implementing lectures, supervising students, and participating in community services and research at universities further underscores his engagement in academic and applied research within the field of Chemical Engineering.

Publication Top Noted:

Samuel Latebo Majamo has actively contributed to the field of Chemical Engineering with a focus on biofuel production and related processes. Here are some of his notable research publications:

Title: Coffee husk highly available in Ethiopia as an alternative waste source for biofuel production

  • Authors: W Sime, R Kasirajan, S Latebo, A Mohammed, E Seraw, W Awoke
  • Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research
  • Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Year: 2017 Pages: 1874-1880

Title: Optimization of trans-esterification process and characterization of biodiesel from soapstock using silica sulfuric acid as a heterogeneous solid acid catalyst

  • Authors: S Latebo, A Bekele, T Abeto, J Kasule
  • Journal: Journal of Engineering Research
  • Volume: 10 Issue: 1A Year: 2022 Pages: 78-100

Title: Synthesis and application of biomass-derived magnetic biochar catalyst for simultaneous esterification and trans-esterification of waste cooking oil into biodiesel: modeling …

  • Authors: SL Majamo, TA Amibo, TK Bedru
  • Journal: Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
  • Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Year: 2023 Pages: 147-158

Title: Modeling and optimization of chemical-treated torrefaction of wheat straw to improve energy density by response surface methodology

  • Authors: SL Majamo, TA Amibo
  • Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
  • Year: 2023 Pages: 1-15

Title: Enhanced cellulose extraction from agave plant (Agave americana Species) for synthesis of magnetic/cellulose nanocomposite for defluoridation of water

  • Authors: SL Majamo, TA Amibo, EZ Tsegaw
  • Journal: Materials Today Communications
  • Volume: 38 Year: 2024 Pages: 107683

These publications showcase Samuel Latebo Majamo’s research focus on biofuel production, optimization processes, and the synthesis of catalysts for sustainable energy applications.