Physics and Astronomy

Introduction of Physics and Astronomy:

Physics and Astronomy research are at the forefront of our exploration of the universe, from the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy to the mysteries of celestial objects and the cosmos.

Particle Physics:

Investigating the smallest constituents of matter and their interactions, often conducted at high-energy particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).


Studying the properties, behavior, and evolution of celestial objects from stars and planets to galaxies and black holes.


Exploring the origins, structure, and fate of the universe including the Big Bang theory and the search for dark matter and dark energy.

Quantum Mechanics:

Investigating the behavior of matter and energy at the quantum level where classical physics breaks down, with applications in quantum computing and cryptography.

Condensed Matter Physics:

Examining the properties of solid and liquid matter including the development of new materials with novel electronic and magnetic properties.


Introduction of Psychology:

Psychology research delves into the fascinating realm of the human mind and behavior, seeking to unravel the intricacies of our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Clinical Psychology:

Focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health disorders and emotional issues, with a goal to improve the well-being of individuals.

Cognitive Psychology:

Investigating mental processes such as memory, perception, and problem-solving, to understand how we think and make decisions.

Social Psychology:

Exploring how individuals are influenced by social interactions, group dynamics, and societal norms leading to insights into behavior in social contexts.

Developmental Psychology:

Studying human growth and development across the lifespan from infancy to old age and the factors that shape individual development.


Examining the relationship between brain function and behavior often with a focus on assessing and rehabilitating individuals with neurological conditions.

Social Sciences

Introduction of Social Sciences:

Social Sciences research is the pursuit of knowledge about human society, behavior, and interactions. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, each shedding light on different aspects of our complex social world.


Investigating human behavior, cognition, and emotions, with applications in clinical psychology, counseling, and organizational psychology.


Studying social structures, institutions, and relationships, including topics like inequality, social change, and the sociology of work.


Analyzing economic systems, markets, and behaviors, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, and behavioral economics.

Political Science:

Examining political systems, government policies, international relations, and political behavior.

Cultural Anthropology:

Exploring cultural diversity, human societies, and the impact of cultural beliefs and practices on individuals and communities.


Introduction of Pharmacology:

Pharmacology research is at the heart of understanding how drugs and substances interact with the human body.

Drug Discovery and Development:

Investigating the identification, design, and development of new drugs and therapies to treat a wide range of medical conditions.

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics:

Studying how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated in the body and how they exert their effects.


Analyzing the adverse effects of drugs and chemical on living organisms, including risk assessment and safety evaluation.


Exploring the genetic factors influencing drug responses and tailoring treatments to individual genetic profiles for personalized medicine.


Investigating the effects of drugs on the nervous system, including the development of medications for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Nursing and Health Professions

Introduction of Nursing and Health Professions:

Nursing and Health Professions research play a vital role in advancing the quality of healthcare delivery, improving patient outcomes, and addressing the complex challenges of the healthcare industry.

Nursing Education and Training:

Investigating effective methods for educating and preparing nursing professionals, including curriculum development and clinical training.

Patient-Centered Care:

Focusing on approaches to enhance the patient experience promote shared decision-making, and improve communication between healthcare providers and patients.

Healthcare Quality and Safety:

Studying strategies to minimize medical errors reduce adverse events, and enhance the overall safety of healthcare delivery.

Rehabilitation and Therapies:

Researching rehabilitation techniques and therapeutic interventions in areas such as physical therapi occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology.

Healthcare Policy and Management:

Examining healthcare policies, management practices, and healthcare system design to optimize healthcare delivery and access.


Introduction of Neuroscience:

Neuroscience research is at the forefront of unraveling the mysteries of the human brain and nervous system.

Neurodegenerative Diseases:

Investigating the mechanisms and potential treatments for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


Advancing technologies such as MRI and fMRI to visualize brain activity connectivity and structure for diagnostic and research purposes.


Studying the effects of drugs and medications on the nervous system including the development of new therapies for mental health and neurological disorders.

Neural Plasticity:

Exploring the brain’s ability to adapt and rewire itself in response to learning, injury, or environmental changes.

Neurobiology of Behavior:

Investigating the neural basis of behavior, emotions, decision-making, and consciousness, with implications for psychology and psychiatry.


Medicine and Dentistry

Introduction of Medicine and Dentistry:

Medicine and Dentistry research are at the forefront of advancing healthcare, improving patient outcomes, and enhancing our understanding of the human body.

Clinical Trials and Drug Development:

Conducting research on the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals and medical treatments to bring new therapies to patients.

Genomic Medicine:

Studying the role of genetics in disease susceptibility, diagnosis, and personalized medicine.

Public Health and Epidemiology:

Investigating the distribution and determinants of diseases in populations, and implementing strategies for disease prevention and control.

Dental and Oral Health Research:

Focusing on oral diseases, dental treatments, and innovations in oral healthcare.

Medical Imaging and Radiology:

Developing and improving diagnostic imaging technologies such as MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound for early disease detection.



Introduction of Mathematics:

Mathematics research is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in one of the most fundamental and abstract fields of human inquiry. It encompasses the exploration of patterns, structures, and relationships using logic and quantitative reasoning.

Number Theory:

Investigating the properties and relationships of numbers, including prime numbers, Diophantine equations, and the Riemann Hypothesis.

Algebra and Geometry:

Exploring abstract algebraic structures and geometric spaces, with applications in cryptography, coding theory, and computer graphics.

Differential Equations:

Studying equations involving derivatives to describe dynamic processes in physics, engineering, and biology.

Probability and Statistics:

Developing techniques for modeling uncertainty and analyzing data, with applications in finance, epidemiology, and machine learning.


Examining the arrangement and combination of objects, with applications in network theory, optimization, and cryptography.


Immunology and Microbiology

Introduction of Immunology and Microbiology:

Immunology and Microbiology research are fundamental to our understanding of the intricate world of microorganisms and the immune system’s response to them.


Investigating treatments that harness the immune system’s power to fight cancer and autoimmune diseases, including checkpoint inhibitors and CAR-T cell therapies.

Infectious Disease Immunology:

Studying the immune responses to pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, with a focus on vaccine development and antimicrobial strategies.


Examining the genetic factors influencing immune system function and susceptibility to diseases.

Microbial Ecology:

Studying the interactions between microorganisms and their environments, including the roles of microbes in ecosystems and nutrient cycling.

Microbial Genetics:

Examining the genetic makeup and mechanisms of microorganisms, including gene regulation, horizontal gene transfer, and antibiotic resistance.


Investigating the structure, replication, and pathogenicity of viruses, as well as the development of antiviral therapies and vaccines.



Introduction of Engineering:

Engineering research represents the vanguard of innovation and problem-solving in our technologically driven world. It encompasses a wide array of disciplines, each dedicated to designing, building, and optimizing systems, structures, and processes to address a myriad of challenges.

Civil Engineering:

Focusing on the design and construction of infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, roads, and water supply systems, to ensure safety, durability, and sustainability.

Mechanical Engineering:

Investigating the design and optimization of machines, engines, and mechanical systems to enhance efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and improve industrial processes.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering:

Exploring the development of electrical systems, electronics, and telecommunications technologies, from power generation to integrated circuits and telecommunications networks.

Environmental Engineering:

Addressing environmental challenges by developing solutions for water and wastewater treatment, air quality control, and sustainable resource management.

Biomedical Engineering:

Advancing healthcare through the design of medical devices, tissue engineering, and diagnostic technologies to improve patient care and enhance medical research.